Laboratory of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies

This unit is one of the academic support units in the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI). It is managed by a chairman from a lecturer, an operational staff, and two staff assistants. This lab is intended for students FAI, lecturers, and other enthusiasts but FAI personnel. The laboratory is implemented by several programs of development of learning Arabic and Islamic studies to utilize electronic media such as computers.


Laboratory Objectives:

1. Developing the Arabic language teaching programs especially for FAI UMM official and for other environments generally.

2. Developing media for learning and teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies through the computer.

3. Providing skills for the profession of Islamic studies and Arabic language through a computer.



1. Operating learning programs, trainings, Arabic Courses and Islamic Studies.

2. Developing curricula, books, and modules for Arabic Language Learning.

3. Making Arabic and Islamic Studies teaching media.

4. Holding seminars and the like for the development of learning Arabic and Islamic studies through Computer


The Implementation Patterns:

For a year, student of FAI are obligated to take Arabic mastery program, so, they will be able to use their competence to dig out optimally on Islamic studies. Three subjects of (Qur’an Studies, Hadith Studies, and Fiqh Studies) each one are taught using Arabic. For students who wrote his thesis in Arabic, they are given the freedom to use the laboratory computer.


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