Information and Communication Institute

Found: December 2008 with commercial name UMM ICT CENTER


To support modern governance sytem, UMM has developed Information and Communication Technology-based governance system. The implementation of ICT through management information system development in the governmance system is hoped to be able to support accurate, fast, and effective decision making. The activities managed by Infokom UMM include:

  1. Developing information and communication technology based on the university policy.
  2. Managing information and communication technology access for all the UMM academic community.
  3. Regulating integrated database and management information systems based on the need of the university and work units.
  4. Guaranteeing the smooth of access on the internet, hotspot and intranet networks.
  5. Organizing education, training, and practicuum on information and communication technology for the internal and external stakeholders.
  6. Providing data and information needed by the university and all the work units.
  7. Developing and managing university website as a means of information transmission for the publics.
  8. Helping university in procurement and maintanance of hardware.
  9. Securing the university assets in the form of hardware and software and ICt products developed by UMM.
  10. Handling the misuse of information and communication facilities in the university and submitting the resolution to the rector.
  11. Developing profit center unit in ICT to support university financially.
  12. Developing cooperation on information and communication technology with other parties for the university development.
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